Jennifer Abshire Talks Auditing Content, Websites and Marketing Materials with Savannah CEO
Jennifer Abshire Talks Auditing Content, Websites and Marketing Materials with Savannah CEO

APR’s own CEO, Jennifer Abshire, had the pleasure of sitting down with Savannah CEO last month to discuss the importance of content audits on your website and marketing materials.
So, when is the best time to refresh your company’s content on your website? And how do you audit the way your company presents itself on the web to consumers? Well, if you were to ask Jennifer, the answer is all the time! Every company needs someone that’s responsible for bringing a team together to do a content audit every 6 months. Everytime you audit your website, you have the opportunity to realize how your business is growing and to tell your story better to consumers.
To watch Jennifer’s entire interview with Savannah CEO, click HERE.